The right person, in the right role, at the right time

Promotion and Development

When you join CFRS, it can be the beginning of an exiting career, full of development opportunities and chances to grow in any way we can support. 

This page has policies, procedures, and resources for both staff who are considering development, and managers looking to support them. 

This page is managed by Resourcing and Talent and we value any and all feedback - if you think there is something missing or you'd like to share thoughts on an existing section, please get in touch directly at: 


Operational Promotion Board Policy

CFRS are passionate about identifying internal talent and recruiting external excellence into our service. 

Please see linked our Operational Promotion Board Policy - here [WORD]

For information on our current promotion boards, please head to our Vacancies pages. 

Career Grades

The Service’s resourcing strategies are aimed at maintaining a high caliber workforce with the skills, competencies, knowledge, and experience to deliver a diverse range of excellent services and to meet its many objectives. 

Career Grades are one of a range of initiatives available aimed at resolving recruitment and / or retention difficulties and supporting succession planning.

For managers considering a Career Grade, please contact Resourcing and Talent for an initial discussion. 

Career Grade Scheme - linked here [WORD]

Career Grade Scheme Guidance - linked here [WORD]

Continuous Professional Development

CPD is an ongoing process of personal growth, to improve the capability and realise the full potential of professional Firefighters and managers at work. 

CPD is designed to recognise and reward experienced employees who are able to demonstrate continual professional development including that required at ‘competent’ level under each of the National Standards. 

All Firefighters covered by the NJC’s Scheme of Conditions of Service (Grey Book) who have served the minimum period of time following attainment of competence’ may apply for this payment,  12 months after competence. 

Continuous Professional Development Policy - linked here [WORD]

Transfer Policy

CFRS may look to hold a Transfer Process to support with vacancy issues and this will always be considered in line with any internal processes that can be held to ensure internal promotion is available as well. 

Transfer Policy - linked here [WORD]


For more information on appraisal, please see the below documents. 

CFRS Appraisal Document - linked here [WORD]