Business safety
Fire risk assessments
We work closely with our community to make Cumbria a safer place to live, work and visit.

As your business evolves and changes, it is important your premise Fire Risk Assessment is updated to help manage and mitigate the risk of fire. Significant changes should be identified and recorded.
Consider asking some simple questions:

- Risk reduction: Have you taken all reasonable measures to reduce the risk of fire? for example - isolating all non-essential equipment and machinery
- Fire alarm systems: Is your fire alarm system in a good working order? - make sure it remains tested regularly to ensure this
- Interim measures: If you have had to implement some interim measures do all your staff know and understand why and what they are?
- New or emerging risk: Has risk changed? Have things been put in place as a response to the situation that have, on reflection, increased fire risk? (eg Introduction of oxygen use / storage)
- Vulnerable people: Are the most vulnerable receiving support and are Personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPS) being conducted and reviewed to assess individual needs/ changes in their vulnerability? - who is caring for the vulnerable and can they still maintain it?