Safety at home
Smoking & e-cigarettes
Fires caused by smoking materials are the biggest killers in accidental house fires.

If you smoke in your home, we would urge you to be cautious and follow our safety advice:
- Stub cigarettes out properly and dispose of them carefully. Put them out. Right out.
- Use a proper ashtray - never a wastepaper basket.
- Make sure your ashtray can't tip over and is made of a material that won't burn.
- Don't leave a lit cigarette, cigar or pipe lying around. They can easily fall over and start a fire.
- Take extra care if you smoke when you're tired, taking prescription drugs, or if you've been drinking. You might fall asleep and set your bed or sofa on fire.
- Never smoke in bed
- Keep matches and lighters out of children's reach.
- Consider buying child resistant lighters and match boxes.
Leaving an e-cigarette on charge when you're out or asleep can have devastating consequences. Follow our advice to keep you and your loved ones safe.
- Use the charger supplied with the e-cigarette or recommended by the manufacturer.
- Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe charging, use and disposal.
- Remember that charging requirements vary from one device to the other.
- Always keep the device away from flammable or combustible materials such as a bed or soft furnishings.
- Don’t exceed the recommended charging time or leave unattended for any significant length of time (e.g. overnight whilst you’re asleep or go out).
- Check the e-cigarette carries CE certification.
- If you have any concerns contact Trading Standards for more information.