Information and publications
Annual Performance Report
Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP)
CRMP 2024-2028
Community Risk Management Plan
CRMP 2023 - 2024
Community Risk Management Plan
IRMP 2019 to 2023
IRMP 2019 to 2023 (PDF 10MB)
Risk based evidence profile (PDF 6MB)
Strategic Service Delivery Review - ORH final report (PDF 6MB)
IRMP 2016 to 2020
IRMP 2016 to 2020 (PDF 5MB)
Draft Year 1 IRMP 2016 Action Plan (2016-20) (PDF 2.6MB)
IRMP 2016-2020 Year 2 Action Plan (PDF 5MB)
IRMP 2016-2020 Year 3 Action Plan (PDF 4.5MB)
Barrow Ulverston Walney Risk Review 2011-12 to 2016-17 FINAL (PDF 696KB)
Business Case - change to crewing at Kendal (PDF 1.2MB)
Equality Diversity & Inclusion
Gender Pay Gap Report
Rapid Response Vehicle Report
Service Plan and Our Focus Plan on a Page
Service Strategies
His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
Disclosure Log
What is the Disclosure Log?
As part of the Council's commitment to being open and transparent, we publish our responses to Freedom of Information requests online, this is also known as a Disclosure Log. The council's Disclosure Log is published in MSExcel and contains the following information:
- Month
- request reference
- information type
- information sub-type
- information requested
- a link to the council's response.
Using the Disclosure Log
If you are thinking of submitting a request it would be worthwhile checking if the Council has already answered it. Data on requests published by the Council is easily searchable. There are two ways of navigating the data:
- General Search - to find out requests received by subject the Information Type and Information Sub-Type column filters can be used. This allows you as a user to find out about requests received by the council in relation to a general issue
- Word Specific - when a request has been received on a specific subject and general searching is not appropriate the wording of requests can be searched using the 'Find and Select' feature.
Disclosure Log
Before you submit a request look at requests already answered by Cumbria County Council