Wellbeing - People & Talent

CFRS Wellbeing Hub

As a service, we are committed to having a healthy, supportive and inclusive working environment. Please find Wellbeing information below, including information about our upcoming App, the Fire Fighter's Charity, our Wellbeing Calendar, and much more.

If you have any queries or suggestions for this page, please contact Wellbeing@cumbriafire.gov.uk 

Two Firefighters in full PPE, the first one is holding a hose that is projecting water

Need support now?

  • Firefighter Charity crisis line

Telephone 03003730896

More information here.

  • Shout (Crisis text service for Mental Health Support)

Text shout to 85258 More information here.

  • Mind (mental health charity)

More information here.

  • Samaritans

Telephone 116123

More information here.

Support is also available through trade unions and our Occupational Health department.

If you feel like you are struggling or need help please speak up; we are here to help.

CFRS Wellbeing Calendar 2024

Mental Health First Aiders

We currently have 18 Mental Health First Aiders across our service who staff can contact for someone to listen to them and show them where support is. 

For Internal Staff: To contact a Mental Health First Aider, please go to the Fire Hub SharePoint > Help and Support > Health and Wellbeing > Mental Health First aiders. 

Pictured below are our MH First Aiders after they completed their training in June 2024. Thank you to the brilliant Claire from Venture who delivered this training. 


Image of adults standing in a group smiling at the camera with Mental Health First Aider workbooks in their hands

Mental Health Working Group

CFRS Mental Health Working Group meet monthly and if you would like to join these meetings, please contact Orlanda Wright (Resourcing, Talent, and Wellbeing Lead) on orlanda.wright@cumbriafire.gov.uk or Wellbeing@cumbriafire.gov.uk for more information. 

Future Meeting Dates - TBC


Back Up Buddy App - coming soon!

We are very excited to be working on a Mental Health and Wellbeing app that will be accessible to all staff, family members, and loved ones. 

More information to follow shortly! 

The Fire Fighters Charity

Please see the below key links for the FireFighters Charity web pages:

The Fire Fighters Charity - Changing The Lives Of Our Fire Fighting Heroes (Main site)

Wellbeing Webinars and Workshops


Support for Our Employees

We have a dedicated section of our Employee Pages for all staff, which can be found at the link here.

Support for Managers

We have a dedicated section of our Employee Pages for Managers, which can be found at the link here.

Critical Incident Debrief - coming soon

Information regarding Critical Incident Debriefs will be added here shortly.

Self-Referral For Counselling

The Occupational Health Service operates an employee self-referral scheme for counselling.

Please note counselling can be provided as an interim measure of support while the employee seeks longer term treatment and support through First Step. The First Step contact details are:

Telephone:  03001 239122

Email:    firststep@nhs.net 

Web:     www.cumbriapartnership.nhs.uk 

Once your referral has been triaged then you will be referred to a counsellor initially for up to four sessions.

Link: Self Referral for Counselling Portal Guidance (WORD)

Link: Occupational Health Portal

Please note: The Occupational Health Service is currently a hosted service, with Westmorland and Furness Council. For their dedicated pages, please go to this link: Occupational Health

Able Futures

Able Futures is an organisation that offers support for mental health at work. It is a nationwide specialist partnership set up to provide the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions.

Able Futures has a number of ways to support organisations, including helping employers manager mental health at work. 

Please see key documents below or contact HR (HR@cumbriafire.gov.uk) for more information:

Able Futures Employer Toolkit - Mental Health at Work (PDF)

Welcome to Able Futures (PDF)

Able Futures Support for Carers (PDF)

Reasonable Adjustments (PDF)

Requesting Reasonable Adjustments (PDF)

January 2024 - Able Futures Interactive Documents

Mental Health at Work Calendar (PDF)

Time To Talk Quiz (PDF)

February 2024 - Able Futures Interactive Documents

Random Acts of Kindness 29 Days (PDF)

Random Acts of Kindness Colouring Page (PDF)

March 2024 - Able Futures Interactive Documents

World Sleep Day - Epworth Sleepiness Scale (PDF)

World Sleep Day - 10 Tips (PDF)

World Sleep Day Colouring Page (PDF)

April 2024 - Able Futures Interactive Documents

Stress Awareness Colouring (PDF)

Stress Buster #Littlebylittle (PDF)

Stress Tips #Littlebylittle (PDF)

30 Day Stress Awareness Challenge (PDF)

May 2024 - Able Futures Interactive Documents

31 Days of Movement Challenge (PDF)

Mental Health Awareness Week Colouring (PDF)

5 Ways to Wellbeing (PDF)

Daily DOSE Challenge (PDF)

June 2024 - Able Futures Interactive Documents

Reasonable Adjustments Colouring (PDF)


Wellbeing Into Retirement

Coming soon!