People & Talent


This section provides information on the various pension schemes at Cumbria Fire and Rescue.

To find information about your pension, contact Local Pension Partnership Administration (LPPA) and register / access your pension information via the online portal  -

Firefighters Pension Scheme - Information and how to join

Local Pensions Partnership Administration are the people responsible for administering the firefighters' pension scheme on behalf of the government.

LPPA Firefighter Pension Scheme

For pension queries please contact LPPA via the website.

Local Pensions Partnership Administration (


Local Government Pensions Scheme - Join or Register

Cumbria Local Government Pension Scheme is open to all employees apart from uniformed fire fighters who have their own pension schemes. Pensions form a valuable element of an employee's remuneration package and you are now able to access your own Local LGPS membership record securely from the LPPA website. Information is also available from the LGPS Website. 

Cumbria's Pensions Service is administered by Local Pensions Partnership Administration on behalf of Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.

For pension queries please contact LPPA via their Website - Local Pensions Partnership Administration (

Salary sacrifice shared costs additional voluntary contributions

Interested in an early retirement, or retiring with more money?

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service are giving staff access to an new employee benefit that can offer just that!

Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contributions (Shared Cost AVCs) facilitated by AVC Wise are a cost-efficient way to help build your retirement fund if you're a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

How does it work?

As the employee, you'll agree to a reduction in salary which will be paid into your Shared Cost AVC. This is called 'salary sacrifice'. You'll pay £1 a month into your Shared Cost AVC from your gross salary and Cumbria Fire and Rescue will contribute the rest of your agreed amount via salary sacrifice. 

AVCWise has undertaken various presentations around the county. Please see the slides from the presentations below:-

AVC Wise Presentation

For example

Sarah agrees with her employer to contribute £100 a month into her Shared Cost AVC via salary sacrifice. 

That means she contributes a fixed monthly amount of £1 into her Shared Cost AVC from her gross salary and her employer contributes the remaining £99 via salary sacrifice. 

As her employer's contribution is made through a salary sacrifice arrangement, she'll receive both Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions relief - helping her save for the future whilst saving money today!

Visit for more information or get in touch with the team by email or call 01252 784546. 

Pension Surgeries and Training Courses

LPPA run regular pension surgeries and training courses, current events include: 

LGPS Scheme Essentials

In addition to LPPA courses. Cumbria Fire and Rescue also runs Online Retirement courses. 


Link to Course Details: Pre Retirement Courses 2022 

Retirement Essentials Webinar

Link to: Book on to Make sense of retirement • Local Pensions Partnership Administration ( 

  • The sessions will include a summary of the retirement benefits the LGPS will provides you as a Member
  • A My Pension Online demonstration illustrating the ease at which you can produce your own pension projections, update your personal details, and complete a nomination form all online
  • A clear overview of the retirement process, including the options available to you when you retire. These essential information sessions will tell you what you really need to know.


Ill-Health Retirement

Ill-Health Retirement - LGPS

A guide for managers and employees where employees can no longer work for Cumbria Fire and Rescue due to ill health.

LGPS Ill Health Retirement Procedure

LGPS Ill Health Retirement What to to Expect 

LPA Members Personal Details Form 

LPA Employer Active Member Ill Health Certificate 

To refer an employee to the Occupational Health Service please follow this link to The Occupational Health Pages

McCloud Pension Remedy Update

Contribution Adjustments

From 1 October 2023, any pension scheme members in scope for the pension remedy will be ‘rolled back’ to their legacy scheme. Your legacy scheme will be either the 1992, 2006 or 2006 Modified Scheme. As the contribution rates vary between all the different schemes,  a contribution adjustment will be required. Some members may owe money (1992, 2006 Modified) or some members may be owed a refund (2006 scheme). Action to adjust contributions is triggered when members receive their Remediable Service Statement (RSS). When you receive your first RSS it will outline what the contribution adjustment will be. Contribution adjustments also include an adjustment for tax relief and will include interest. A factsheet is provided with more information on the Firefighters Pension Scheme website

Deferred Benefits


For information only for managers as this procedure is managed by HR

LGPS Deferred Benefits Procedure 

Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure


For employees who wish to appeal against a pension benefits decision.

LGPS Internal Dispute Resolution (Appeals) Procedure 

Pensions Discretions Policy

Firefighters Pension

Fire Pension Discretions (2020) 

The Fire Pension Discretions for the 1992, 2006, 2015 Fire Pension Schemes and the Compensation Scheme set out how the Scheme Manager intends to exercise certain discretionary functions available within these schemes.


For managers and employees and provides the council's policy in relation to its exercise of certain discretionary functions available under the LGPS regulations.

LGPS Employer Discretions

Early Release Procedure - LGPS

Early Release Procedure

For employees who wish to apply for early release either in the interests of the efficiency of the service or under the rule of 85.

LGPS Early Release Procedure



People and Talent 

Senior Pensions Advisor - please email