Teenagers invited to join Fire Cadets
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service is encouraging young people to take part in its next Fire Cadets training programme.

Open to those aged between 13 and 17, the 12-week scheme will see young people participate in fire service activities and drills that closely replicate those completed by operational crews.
The free course will include training and competency tests on ladder climbing, breathing apparatus search and rescue techniques, hose and pump drills, first aid and water safety.
The sessions run on Thursdays (5pm to 8pm) at Workington Fire Station and all equipment is provided. After the training is completed, new recruits are then given the opportunity to join the squad of qualified Cadets which takes part in further training, fundraising, community visits and events.
Jason Ferguson, CFRS Youth Support Officer who runs the Cadet programme, said: “Joining Cadets gives young people an insight into the work of a firefighter, and also provides them with a range of life skills that can be transferred into their own day-to-day lives and future careers.
“They will develop their teamwork and communication skills, learn how to solve problems, and experience a range of rescue scenarios.
“Furthermore, it’s about making friends, socialising and gaining a sense of pride and satisfaction in supporting the community through social action.
“Once training is complete, we have a structured career development route where, depending on an individual’s aspirations, the Cadet can work towards the rank of crew manager, watch manager, station manager and, ultimately, peer mentor work.
“Previous experience is not necessary; all we ask is they are enthusiastic, willing to work as part of a team and have the desire to have fun while learning valuable skills.”
The next 12-week training course begins on Thursday, November 30. For more information and to apply, visit www.cumbriafire.gov.uk/fire-cadets
** Thanks were extended to the current crop of Fire Cadets this week for their efforts in supporting a recent fundraising initiative.
The Cadets supported a bucket challenge, run by Egremont Fire Station, which involved a bucket of water being passed between volunteers for a nine-mile route between Egremont and Whitehaven. The challenge raised almost £2,500 for The Firefighters Charity.
Egremont Watch Manager David McDowell took the opportunity of the station’s On-Call Appreciation Event this week to present the Cadets with certificates of thanks for their support.