
#Bewateraware Campaign

The Cumbria Water Safety Partnership (CWSP) needs your help to evaluate the # Be water Aware campaign. Parts 1 and 2 of the evaluation close Tuesday 11 February, so please reply as soon as possible.

The completion of the questionnaires should not take more than ten / fifteen minutes in total. This will be so valuable in helping the CWSP to prevent people drowning.

The CWSP questionnaire link here, has been designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the #BeWaterAware Campaign. The questionnaire will also helpthe Cumbria Water Safety Partnership when developing future resources. 

As a part of this evaluation, you will be asked to complete questionnaires in three stages:
1.    Prior to watching the # BeWaterAware Campaign
2.    After watching the # BeWaterAware Campaign
3.    Three weeks after you first watched the Water Safety Campaign

Please read through all the questions before you begin, to get a better understanding of the nature of the questions and the time you will need. Please answer each statement within each section of the questionnaire. 

In addition, there is also space provided for any further comments that you may wish to share with us about the campaign, water safety message and other points you may want us to take into consideration in the future. 

Thank you.

Station Manager Andrew Lowes, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (Deputy Chair of the CWSP)